Marilyn Manipulation, 2023

By Jasmine Murphy

Jasmine Murphy is a local artist in Liverpool, creating artworks that are displayed in homes across the city. Murphy used acrylic paint and pastels on stretched canvas to produce this large scale piece.

The main inspiration for this piece is to create a conversation about domestic abuse through Marilyn Monroe, she was abused physically and mentally from men. Murphy wanted to show the two sides of Monroe, like she is having a battle with herself using the colours blue and red as they contrast well together.

Her face is covered with a smudge of blood which is acrylic paint on a ruler as your mouth is the gateway to your body and sacred from being hurt. Murphy loves using lines and hidden symbols in her work to make you look closer and get inside the painting. locations.

Medium: acrylic paint, pastels on canvas. 23.4 x 33.1 inches

Artists Instagram @jaz_zypaintings


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