
Unlock - Verb. Past tense: Unlocked

Undo the lock of (something), typically with a key.

  1. Make (something previously inaccessible or unexploited) available for use.

Collective - Adjective

Done by people acting as a group.

relating to or shared by all the members of a group.

taken as a whole; aggregate.

noun: collective; plural noun: collectives

a cooperative enterprise.

  • The Unlocked Collective is made up of a series of creative workshops based across Liverpool, UK. The workshops have different themes and activities to get involved with.

  • The main aims of TUC is to provide a space for you to come and create, to try something new or to gain knowledge and experience through exploring and experimenting with different resources and techniques. Whether you can’t remember the last time you created something or you are a professional creative, you can bring your own knowledge and life experiences to achieve what you would like within each session.

  • The Unlocked Collective Workshops are a space for you to get creative, learn about different artworks and chat to like minded people. You can decide what you want to gain from the workshop.

  • Each workshop has different activities to suit a range of ages and abilities. TUC Pups is designed for pre schoolers and their parents or carers to come get involved too. Explorate and The Gratitude Projects are for all ages but have different times and days for more of a relaxing or energetic session.